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Artists Share Personal Stories of Racial Injustice: (Experience, Perspecitve & Solutions)



As apart of our “ArtSoul Talk” series, we have been highlighting various trending topics and engaging with our followers in those topics through videos and Twitter Talks.  Our first video centered on these topics focused on faith-based millennials and voting.  Our most recent video is a “post elections” continuation of the first video from our series with a different focus.


In the video below, we spoke with Propaganda, Sho Baraka, JGivens, Steven The Levite, Preston Perry and Jamaica West about their personal experiences with racial injustice, how those experiences have shaped their perspectives along with possible solutions.  Watch the video below and leave your comments.  This has been a trending topic all year, that is not likely to slow down.  But, we believe seeking to understand (all sides being presented) before seeking to be understood in these types of conversations is the first step in the right direction that will bring change.

This has been a trending topic all year, that is not likely to slow down.  But, seeking to understand (all sides being presented) before seeking to be understood in these types of conversations is the first step in the right direction for change.  So, watch below and let us know your thoughts!


ArtSoul Talk:  Racial Injustice (Experience, Perspective, Solutions)





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