New Music

Shai Linne responds to controversy over “Random Thoughts 3”



On “Random Thoughts 3” from his latest album Still Jesus Shai Linne expressed his thoughts on the current state of Christian hip-hop, Reach Records causing confusion for some believers and his desire to see CHH unified for sake of the gospel.

The song sparked debate throughout the CHH community and lyrical rebuttals from other artists.

Artist and former member of the Dream Junkies, Ruslan released “Random Thoughts 4” in response. He called out Shai Linne and referred to him as a “theological nerd rapper.” This track set off a firestorm of conflict with listeners as well as the duo Hazakim, label mates of Shai Linne. In defense of Shai Linne and response to Ruslan, Hazakim released a track of their own. However, it has since then been removed from their YouTube channel.

This all drew a ton of criticism from the CHH community on social media. Questions arose over methodology, beef within CHH and the “Christian rapper versus a rapper who’s Christian” discussion.

Hoping to put the controversy to rest,  Shai Linne released an open letter to the CHH community via, which can be found here.


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