New Life Arts and Tiffany Daniels have officially released a new project titled, “Joyful In Hope”. This Chicago based artist and worship leader is set to...
City Worship Collective recently released their latest single, “Steady” in September. Hailing from Chicago, this team brings a youthful touch and high energy to every worship...
The Kingdom Choice Awards have been branded as the nation’s official award show for independent Christian Hip Hop/Urban Gospel artists. The KCA was founded by Kingdom Time Media CEO, Marcus Hall in...
Many of you have already had the opportunity to hear the latest project from Jonathan McReynolds live on his living room tour. Now, fresh from his...
Often times in hip-hop, sonic trends dictate the course of popular music, so it’s always refreshing when an artist emerges with his own distinct style and...
Check out the latest music video from Deraj (Reflection Music Group). This single, “Hold You Down” is a lead into the Goodish project which is scheduled to release...
Tropical Storm Harvey sent massive floods through the Houston area Sunday, chasing thousands to rooftops or higher ground and overwhelming rescuers. Federal disaster declarations indicate the...
NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Award-winning hip hop artist, Derek Minor, is scheduled to release several EPs throughout 2017 and early 2018 for his Up And Away series, with the first project, Your Soul...
Seattle based band Kings Kaleidoscope carries a unique sound that includes a mix of progressive rock, pop and hip hop. Like most artists, Kings K has been around...
The 48th annual Dove Awards is scheduled for October 17th in Nashville, TN. The full list of nominees were recently announced live on Facebook. Watch the...