Acclaimed singer and songwriter Angelica Bias, proudly releases her riveting rendition of “You Say” which is now available! An Atlanta native, Angelica is one-half of the renowned...
Tobe Nwigwe was recently invited to perform on NPR’s famed Tiny Desk. In similar fashion as we have seen from him before, he did it all...
El Paso native, Khalid, announced Monday (Aug. 5) plans to hold a benefit concert in September for the victims of the El Paso shooting. On Saturday...
The poetry event that started it all is back!! Passion For Christ Movement (also known as P4CM) has returned back to the Los Angeles area! If...
Chinaa Orr is an up and coming artist hailing from Chicago! Carrying a powerful yet graceful sound, China is always ready to bring her listeners a...
Looking for new music? Danielle Apicella is the newest signee to the Reflection Music Group label! This singer/songwriter brings a soulful/pop sound set to lyrics that everyone...
Chicago native Ron Poindexter recently released his debut album Any Day Now. The album was released on eOne Music Nashville’s digital subsidiary IndieBlu Music. Any Day Now features songs...
Both Ayesha Curry and Steph Curry have given their official replies to the conversation surrounding Ayesha’s recent interview on #TheRedTableTalk with Jada Pinkett-Smith. In case you’ve been hiding under a rock or just...
Gotee Records’ HOLLYN has announced her new 6-song EP, bye, sad girl., that will release on September 6. The lead song from the project, “i feel bad for you,”...
Currently residing in Atlanta, Godframe is an artist, producer, and youth speaker. He believes that music is more than a collection of sounds – but a...